Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A Minute of my Time... a Testimony

I wanted to share this email from a dear friend and a fellow Titus 2 Woman.
This is what it is all about... daily growth and stepping outside of what we have always "known" in order to grow in godliness and serve other women. Thank you Marie for your faithfulness and obedience to our Lord to bless Sharon. (P.S. the funky letter translations are just a fluke- guess that's what happens when you paste and copy!)

Dear Titus 2 Women:
I wanted to take the time to share with you, my friends, what the Lord did for me this past weekend.
This past Saturday my sister Barbara and I volunteered to take a meal to the Merritt family. My sister Barbara was moving into her new home so she could not come with me.
My intentions were to drop off the meal and leave, but God had other plans. He did not want me to just drop off the food, say Hi & Bye and leave. No, he had me stay a while. Though at the beginning, I kind of felt in the way, Heavenly Father showed me shortly after I arrived, that I wasn’t. He wanted me to spend some time with my friend.
While visiting with Sharon and her family, she mentioned to me that though the food we bring her is very helpful to her and her family (one less thing for her to do on her to do list), the thing she needs and desires most is the fellowship. When I heard her say those words, I knew why God didn’t want me to drop off the food and leave. My friend needed me to stay a while and I did.
I enjoyed talking about everything from vitamins to food, our dogs, her kids, re-decorating. They even shared some family photos with me. Her kids took me by the hand and gave me a personal tour of there wonderful rooms. I even sat and talk with Del for a while. It was great.
After a couple of hours, as I was leaving, hearing them shouting there good-byes, asking me to please call or come by again, my heart was saddened. My prayer on the way home was, how many times Lord have you wanted me to just sit and visit with a friend or family member in need and I couldn’t because I was just too busy and didn’t have the time. How many times have you prompted me to sit a while and my response was, Not right now, I’m busy, or maybe later or some other day and later or some other day never came. I can never get that time back.
I quickly repented for my disobedience and promised the next time I am prompted to stop when someone wants a few minutes (or hours) of my time, that I would not be so quick to push them aside, but to remember to spend sometime with them. I have to learn to put others before myself as Christ did.
In ending, as I came across the passage below during my morning devotional today, Heavenly Father showed me that this past weekend, I just didn’t sit with a friend and visit for a few hours, I sat down and had a visit with my King.
Passage Matthew 25:37-40:
"Then those 'sheep' are going to say, 'Master, what are you talking about? When did we ever see you hungry and feed you, thirsty and give you a drink? And when did we ever see you sick or in prison and come to you?' Then the King will say, 'I'm telling the solemn truth: Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me—you did it to me.' (The Message)
I am soo thankful for this Titus 2 Women Book Club. It is just one avenue God is using to mold me into what He created me to be.
Thank you for a moment of your time. Love you all & God Bless!