Passions and the Result of it
1.What Causes quarrels and fights?
2.Are you prepared to respond to them?
James 4:1-12
Conflict is inevitable- It is the result of a fallen world
In James, quarrels and fights happened regularly; James did not care about the source of the conflict, only the root issue- James reveals it in verse one. "Don't they come from the desires that battle within you?"
Two ways I’ve found helpful in discerning if I am in a conflict:
1) Is this affecting, in any way, how I feel, think about, or act towards this person?
2) Do I find myself arguing (and probably winning) arguments in my head with this person?
Conflict is Worse than we think
Every conflict should be examined because there is more at stake than we think.
"For within you- you kill and covet" (anger left unrestrained is the root of murder)
God sees: the presence of serious sin against God
Selfishness and coveting- this is how God views our quarrels
We will never make progress in getting through conflict unless we look at it through God's lens.
Remember your last conflict
1.Did you minimize it?
2.Did you view it as not that important ?
3.Do you hold the other person responsible?
The source of the conflict is Your passions which are at war. "We want something and we do not get it." Simply put: "What is it I want that I am not getting?"
Conflict is simpler than we think
Conflicts don't create, they reveal
What is revealed is a sinful passion and cravings from within.
James 4:1 -Cravings and passions underlie conflict
Sinful people need to grow, but our sin is revealed through conflict. This is how we grow.
Do you crave: attention, power, acceptance, vindication etc.?
Our Hope:
WE can repent and learn to make peace.
God's word is the lantern turned on in our dark room
We should anticipate conflict
We should identify the root and put it to death- that is our hope!
Regardless of the fight, there is hope
Conflict is Worse than we think
Every conflict should be examined because there is more at stake than we think.
"For within you- you kill and covet" (anger left unrestrained is the root of murder)
God sees: the presence of serious sin against God
Selfishness and coveting- this is how God views our quarrels
We will never make progress in getting through conflict unless we look at it through God's lens.
Remember your last conflict
1.Did you minimize it?
2.Did you view it as not that important ?
3.Do you hold the other person responsible?
The source of the conflict is Your passions which are at war. "We want something and we do not get it." Simply put: "What is it I want that I am not getting?"
Conflict is simpler than we think
Conflicts don't create, they reveal
What is revealed is a sinful passion and cravings from within.
James 4:1 -Cravings and passions underlie conflict
Sinful people need to grow, but our sin is revealed through conflict. This is how we grow.
Do you crave: attention, power, acceptance, vindication etc.?
Our Hope:
WE can repent and learn to make peace.
God's word is the lantern turned on in our dark room
We should anticipate conflict
We should identify the root and put it to death- that is our hope!
Regardless of the fight, there is hope
Conflict is easier than we think
(vs.10 "Humble yourselves before the Lord and he will lift you up")
We will make no progress unless you humble yourself
WE need to recognize that our fight is against God. (vs.6- God opposes the proud)
Our resolve should be with God first
Hope: If we confess our sins, he is faithful to forgive!
How can it be that easy? Our Savior has done the unimaginably difficult!
Practical application
All you have to do is confess.
Isolate your sins- they are against a perfect God
Begin with confession first to God- God's grace is greater than our sins
Next, confess to others
Confessions should be sincere, brief and specific (If it is lengthy, it is probably an explanation; asking for understanding, asking to be excused, it i not truly asking for forgiveness- you are excusing your sin)
Genuine Confession is helping your friend remove the speck. Without genuine confession you are approaching them with self- righteousness (Their sins are greater than mine!) and you have not removed the log out of your eye- you are poking them with your log and further worsening the conflict.
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