Friday, June 12, 2009

Our 2009 Family School Schedule

I have been working on a calendar for the year and I have finally completed it *ahh*. I'm sure we will make a few revisions as we go, but just thinking through it feels oh, so good. Here it the link for those of you interested in my little house of dreams.
This is the picture to our newly organized schoolroom- which also will undergo plenty of revisions (in which little fingers are mostly responsible for those type of revisions).


  1. Love your schedule! Still working on mine, so it gives me some ideas. I like that you have 7:00family reading time and that you do all the extras on Fridays.

  2. Anna, looks like you have been reading "Managers of the Home". One word of advice, just don't allow yourself to get frustrated when the schedule isn't followed as planned because life does happen. A wise homeschool mother once told me to not be a slave to the schedule because its easy to do. I finally started making a routine to follow instead of a schedule because of how life happens in our busy home. Just my two cents for whatever they are worth!! Happy schooling.
