Thursday, April 22, 2010

What's That? Handicraft Inventions

Handicrafts in my house can involve all sorts of interesting activities. (Very rarely my idea). I know it looks like these two are fighting, but they are not. They are creating something- What exactly, I still don't know. But they ate it. You can't get me to eat some of their inventions.
This is a banana in it's skins with something oozing out of it... I think there was coffee creamer involved.

This looks more normal, but what, oh what is poured over it? I didn't have any cream in my house the day this was invented.

Overall I love to see my kids get creative no matter how strange it comes out.

1 comment:

  1. Your home school looks quite similar to mine, especially the inventions and concoctions in the kitchen part! LOL

    While planning out my new blog and deciding on a name, I found yours because I googled the name of the blog I chose, to make sure there wasn't one like that yet. LOL Lo and behold, there is one, and she home schools too!

    I added your blog to my favorites for inspiration. TFS
