Thursday, January 27, 2011

Audrey's Birthday Coupon's

During our crazy Missionary Convention week, we celebrated my sweet Audrey's Birthday. She turned 8 years old- and a sweet 8 year old she is! Coming after the wake of Christmas, we normally don't have full-blown parties for the kids, but we do try to do special things for them to celebrate. This year, along with a small family gathering, I had an idea for a special  gift shared by a friend who does this for kids during Thanksgiving.


If I were a scrapbooker, this would have been gorgeous, but for me, just getting them done on regular white paper was just as effective.
I compiled a list of things she would appreciate:
1 Day off School
1 Day of no chores
1 Day off making bed
1 Date with Dad
1 Date with Mom
1 Go to Work with Dad Day
1 Manicure and Pedicure with Mom

They were a hit- two of which got redeemed the very next day (no school, and no chores). The only catch is they can only be used one time and my responsibility is to fulfill it that day- so I had to prepare myself to follow-through no matter what.

Cute follow up: Today, she redeemed the "Manicure and Pedicure with Mom" coupon. I told her we would do it as soon as school was over. So, she waited patiently (which for her is huge!). She then got all the stuff together and I was getting prepared to paint her nails, she looked at me funny and said, "No, Mommy. I'm painting your nails!" Now, that's a coupon worth putting back into her book!
 I loved the pampering- bumps and all.

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