Monday, July 7, 2008

Submit to You?

Not too long ago, my husband and I were at a restaurant with a group of friends. We were packed into a tight space as we began to look over our menus. My husband and I had anticipated beforehand how expensive the restaurant was, so we had decided to share a plate, which for us, was sufficient, even if we could afford to go all out and order everything, we would still have shared a plate! As we ordered, he asked what looked good, and I said I liked anything- he can choose. He said he would, then. As the waiter approached, my husband ordered his plate. At this point, I began to notice one of the wives seated close beside us observing our interaction. Her face was becoming quite the picture of rebellion and anger. When my husband had ordered his plate and told our waiter that we would be sharing, the wife I had mentioned blurted out behind her menu, "Why Don't you let Anna decide what she wants. It's not all about you!" My husband, in his good humor laughed and made a joke of it, but I could not escape her meaning. She thought he was "ruling" me, and that I should stand up to him. She felt he was controlling me and that he should let me choose. In fact, that wasn't the first time other women have made comments over the interaction they observe between my husband and myself.
The reason I chose to focus on marriage and our (women's) role in marriage during the next couple of posts, is because marriage and our response to our husband's leadership is the foundation for the home and our response sets the stage. It is the stepping stone upon which others may look to and either observe Christ and be moved toward the cross, or they may look at the marriage and be warned.
What is your view on marriage? Is is centered on the gospel- or do threads of feminism run through it? What do you feel when you observe a wife submitting to her husband without complaint? What goes through your mind when your husband may ask something of you which you would rather not do?
When my husband and I first met, I challenged him once with "If we were ever married, would you lead or will I?" He was offended by this at first, but later he understood my meaning. I did not ask this because I wanted to "wear the pants" and he had better submit to me, I asked because I had come to understand something in my young age. I had become aware, through some excellent teaching, the meaning of submission. I wanted to know if he understood it as well.
To back me up, I will pull in scripture. If you were married in a church, you are probably familiar with this one, "Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of he church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives, should submit to their husbands in everything... and the wife must respect her husband" Eph 5:22-24, 33
You see, the apostle Paul called this sacrificial love and submission a "profound mystery." The mystery of marriage was designed by God in the very beginning of creation. The design of marriage does not promise a perfect unity, of course not. Put two sinful people together and what do you get? Very sinful responses. But does that mean we should fight to get our way? No! Look at the example of the Holy Spirit and how he submits to the Father. Look to the the Son and see how he submits to the Father. In the same way, wives become beautiful as they submit to their husbands! Even in the best scenario, will a wife's cheerful submission guarantee a perfectly loving and sacrificially loving husband? Probably not. But, it does mean we as wives bring glory to the Lord through our gentle and loving responses. In doing so, we silence the ignorant talk of foolish men." I Peter 2:15. God commends submission. It is his pleasure.
The beauty of it is talked about here:" To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you and example, that you should follow in his steps. 'he committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth.' When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly. He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed. For you were like sheep going astray, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls. Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands..."
I am going to leave you all hanging for a day to let this sink in. The discussion I will continue will be on the beauty of helping our husbands. I hope to draw your gaze to the cross and cause serious thought- biblical thought to the role of submission. I wish to lovingly challenge your thinking. Take a moment- as I often do, when I read thought provoking words, I must stop for a day or two and "chew" on it. I need to chip away at worldly thoughts and allow Gods word to change my heart. Come with me on this journey. Allow yourself to become raw and allow Christ to change you.
I also want to challenge you with this thought as well: how do you speak of your husband to others; how do you perceive and speak of your friends husbands? ( I am growing in this too- I foolishly say and do things which I regret later- but one thing I can rely on is this: God's grace to do better next time.)


  1. Hey Anna! Great writing and teaching as usual :). I only have a second, or I'd write more in response, but I wondered if you were aware of Carolyn McCulley's(from SG at Covenant in MD)upcoming book, Radical Womanhood. I don't know if you heard of or got to download the message she gave us here in Charlotte back in March, but as we are rather similar, and I LOVED LOVED LOVED her teaching, I thought you might as well! I thought the book would be good for you to read (due out in OCt) and share with others. Also, I have the MP3 version of her seminar if you are interested. Yes, I thought it was that good :). Take Care! ENJOY your quiet week with your children at home!! :)

  2. Amen! Very good stuff! I will chew on this truth as well. I am always challenged, as we all are I'm sure, about submitting to my husband. I used to think it meant "obeying" my husband. Until the Lord showed me differently. We just don't get it sometimes, especially in this feministic minded society. Can't wait to read your next blog. Keep it coming! Love you!

  3. Well said! Lots to think about and many short comings. I like the part where you asked "who will lead" Being raised by a man, I just assumed I would without thinking of my husband. I needed this today. Thank you.
