Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Learn to train a dog to train a child?

I just got done reading a sweet little book called Footprints of a Pilgrim the Life and Loves of Ruth Bell Graham. In a journal entry she once wrote regarding child training :

"Every Parent should read at least one good book on dog training. Odd how, in a day when children are notoriously disobedient, dog training and obedience classes are increasing in popularity. Basically the rules are simple.
1. Keep commands simple and at a minimum. One word to a command and always the same word. Come. Sit. Stay. Heel. Down. No. (I talk my children dizzy).

2. Be consistent.

3. Be persistent. Follow through. Never give a command without seeing it is obeyed.

4. When the dog responds correctly, praise him. (Not with food. remember, don't reward children materially for doing well. Your praise should be enough.)

Its a fine kettle of fish when our dogs are better trained than our children."

Wise counsel, Mrs. Graham! 

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